Heart Burn
Really they should call it throat burn. I experienced that for the first time last night. It felt like the time I had a glass of fruit and veggie juice, the really good kind, strawberry and banana yummy. That is until I throw it up 2 minutes later and my throat was on fire with this acidic burning sensation. I haven't touched the stuff since and probably never will again. With heart burn though, it has that feeling all of the time and burping is just a nightmare. Geoff and I were at a house last night putting on two decks so I had no access to milk or anything to help relieve it and I swore that if I never burped again, I'd be a happy camper.
Other things that I have been experiencing are possibly feeling the baby which I understand feels like butterflies in your tummy. Although I'm not sure since I had gas at the same time and my tummy was rumbling too. So who knows but I'm sure that when I feel the first kick I will have no doubts about that. Plus my jeans are all too small now to wear. The dress pants that I wore to work yesterday didn't even zip all the way up or button. Today's casual day and my largest size jeans won't fit and so the pair that I am wearing close only because they are hip huggers. I really need to get some maternity jeans and such but there just isn't enough time.
I am excited to be pregnant and watch my tummy grow and gain those extra pounds ( 135 as of this morning) but when I have to stick my head in the toilet every morning I tend to forget just how wonderful it is. And since we seem to be having trouble deciding on a name, this baby might get the name of Ralph for obvious reasons. So if you have any suggestions, that would be great. Please save our child from having to be named Ralph. So far we have only been working on boy names but I guess Ralphine would work too.
you are still throwing up at 4 months? You poor thing! I started feeling the baby move at 18 weeks. It is the neatest feeling in the world!! That is the one thing I always miss most about being pregnant. 135....I wish! That was my starting weight. Must be nice. Mayybe you can just come to my closet for new jeans, I'll set aside my size 6's for you.
Ten more days until your ultrasound! Are you going to try and find out what you are having?
Do you like common names or different names? I will keep my eye out for some good ones. Aidan was always one of my boys names. I also love Graceson. Do we get a prize if our name gets chosen? jk
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