Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!!

Well it is that time of year again. Christmas went by so fast and now it will be a New Year in a couple of hours. Although for us, in 15 days we could be having our baby and not only do we get to see our little miracle, we also get to see my parents, which is really exciting. So we hope that you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

As for us, with our new bed frame, I am finally off of the floor after spending a year and 4 months on it. Now it is so much easier for me to get out of bed to go to the bathroom 4 times a night as I can just fall out of bed. And actually as comfortable as it is I am finding it almost impossible to sleep for more than two hours at a time, so I spend half the night on the couch too. I was hoping for a new year's baby but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. So any time in January will be fine with me. Have a great night everyone!!

This is the baby dresser that we put together today.  Posted by Picasa

Boxing Day Special!! We got our bed frame for our king size bed and we love not sleeping on the floor anymore.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 30, 2005

Our niece Bethany is just so cute, I had to add this picture to the site.  Posted by Picasa

I think that I have had too much to eat! Christmas day, week 37, 20 days left to go. I feel huge!! Remember, camera's add 10 pounds.  Posted by Picasa

Christmas morning with my favorite chocolates from my favorite man.  Posted by Picasa

Geoff with our niece Bethany on Boxing Day.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Week 36 Doctor's Report

I went to the doctor's yesterday and here is the latest update for anyone who would like to change the date or sex of their guess. The heart beat is at 162 which is the highest that it has been ever. I have gained four more pounds which puts me at a total of 164 and 36 pounds gained in total. The fun news is that I am 2-3 cm dialated and 75% effacement. Effacement is when the cervix has started to thin making it easier for the baby to push through. It is usually at about an inch thick and goes to paper thin by the time the baby is ready. So I am at about 1/4 of an inch. The baby is still head down but not in the pelvic bone area yet. A woman can be 3cm dialated for awhile before going into labour. I am still hoping to only go into labour in January so I am only allowing guesses for January. But let me know if you've changed your mind and I will update the polls.

Another bonus is that today is my last day of work!! and I only have to work till noon!! I received cards from Tara, Tannis and Lee and I really appreciated them. I have done up a bunch of cards to mail out to friends and family and unfortunately half of them didn't get mailed or have addresses on them. So Merry Christmas to those that I missed and look forward to a wonderful card next year.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Almost Finished Bathroom

Well the bathroom is not finished yet but it looks a lot better. We still need to mud the closet, sand it down and paint but everything else works, which is good because I was getting tired of going to the bathroom in the bucket. Just kidding. The lino looks really good in there too and we are planning on finishing it off at after Christmas because I won't be working then and I'll have the time to do the rest. Enjoy the pic's.

Our old bathroom.  Posted by Picasa

At least the sink is white. Posted by Picasa

The old yellow tub from the 70's. Posted by Picasa

No more bathroom but at least there is a pee bucket.  Posted by Picasa

Our new pedestal and toilet.  Posted by Picasa

Our new bathtub! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Verdict is In....

Now although he claims that he is not 100% accurate on his guesses, we sent a short video to Grandma Maczuga, my dad, and he has given his verdict as to what we are going to have.

He buy pink. Now as you all know I have been hoping for a boy the entire time but having a little girl would be wonderful. Geoff thinks that the baby is a girl and we do have a girls name picked out already and still no boy name so maybe it is for the best. Either way I am at the point now as long as the baby is healthy and comes sometime before or on January 15th I will be estactic.

My mom's comment from the video was, wow she's big. Yes I am. It will be fun when they come out to visit to see some pictures of my mom when she was pregnant with me and to compare how big we both we got. Plus to see some baby pictures and then compare between me and Geoff and our baby.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Guess the Baby's Birthday!!

I thought that it would be fun to have a little game where people can guess the date our baby will be born. My latest doctor's update is posted below and as a side note, we have been told that only 2% of women have their baby early. My due date is January 15th, 2006. My mom had us either early or on time. If you want, you can include whether you think it is a boy or a girl. Post a comment or send me an email and I will include your guess in the dates below. If there is any other information that you would like to know just ask and I will add that in this blog too. And if you want to wait till December 21st to make your guess, after I have been checked for dialation or anything that's okay too. Or if you change your mind after that date I will allow that too. Good luck to everyone!!

January 2006
2 -
3 - Collette
4 - Collette
7 - Rose - girl, 7 lbs 2 oz
8 - Angelo
11 - Kelly - girl
12 - Sherrie - boy
13 - Colleen - boy
14 - Nikki - boy
15 - due date and Geoff's birthday - Char - boy 7 lbs 12 oz
16 - Liz - boy
17 - Grandpa and Grandma Maczuga - girl
18 - Alyssa - girl, Grandma Salter, Brent - boy
19 - Linda
20 - Tara - girl
21 - Tannis
24 - Lee - boy

Update from the Doctor Week 34

It turns out that everything is still going wonderfully, just a lack of sleep on my part that I'm sure everyone has experienced. The baby's heart beat is at 150, I measure at 35 cm which is normal for where I am at, and I weigh about 160 pounds so I've gained about 32 pounds. The baby is positioned head down with it's back and bum in my ribs and very active all the time. I get some really good kicks at night that wake me up, which might actually be Geoff :) . . . so I think that I have one boy inside me kicking me and one on the outside poking and pinching me. I go in on December 21st for my next check up and they are going to see if I am dialated at all yet. That should be fun.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Our Almost New Bathroom

Well it has been a very interesting weekend. Friday Geoff had his brother Mark helping him with the bathroom and then they went to run some errands and Mark's car died on the road. So I had to leave work early (not a problem) to go and get them. I was then warned that there was no running water because it was switched off and there was no toilet. Good to know but who tells a pregnant woman that and still hopes to live? Luckily enough we stopped at Carpet World to look for our lino for the bathroom and they had a bathroom. Plus we found some great lino and for a really great price. Off we go back home and there is no bathroom at all. Everything had been taken out (which was the plan except he had said that they would keep the toilet in till Saturday) and the bath tub, sink and toilet were all on our front lawn, along with some yellow snow thanks to Mark and Geoff. I ended up peeing in a bucket a couple of times before we left to go and push Mark's car off the main road so that it wouldn't be towed and then to the in-laws to spend the night.

Geoff and his dad worked on the bathroom all day Saturday but didn't get it finished. There was just so much to do. They put in a good effort though and only left around midnight. I spent the day with Geoff's mom and sister baking Christmas treats and eating them of course. yummy. Then on Sunday my car wouldn't start. It had been acting up for awhile but Acura couldn't figure out the problem because when we took it to them it worked fine. We got it towed to a shop last night in hopes that they will be able to figure it out. So we hopped into the in laws 1940 truck, that has all of our old stuff from the bathroom in the back, and headed home. I was warned that the house was a mess. More like a disaster zone though as it was almost impossible to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom. Not to mention a Wendy's chocolate shake but they're not called that and I can't remember what they are called so if you know tell me so that I don't go crazy, had spilled on the carpet and wall but since they had no running water they couldn't clean it up.(??) But the good thing is that the lino is down, the tub/shower works and the toilet is in, works, just not bolted down and there is no sink yet but that's okay. They plan to finish it all up this Saturday and Geoff's mom is coming over too to help me clean the house since there is a layer of dust on everything due to the drywall and all.

So that is the status of the bathroom and hopefully I will get those pictures up soon and then by the weekend the pictures of the new bathroom too!!

Thanks Liz for the comment. I hope you are right too about the baby being a boy. This weekend we are going to send a little video over the email to my dad to see what he thinks and hopefully he will say the same. cross your fingers.

On Monday we took the hospital tour for our delivery and my favorite room was the snack room. They have all of these snacks in the fridge for when we are there and we can eat them as much as we want. Well the mom's can, Geoff has to bring his own. Plus we have our own room for delivery and everything else that goes on which is really nice. Then we did a mock labour to a tape that told us when we are having contractions and when everything else is happening and we go through our breathing. Geoff is still the best breather in the class as our instructor was really happy that she could hear him breathing properly. He'll be a good coach for me. Although the couple beside us were kind of annoyed because they couldn't stop laughing at Geoff. On one of the contractions he switched his breathing to sound like Darth Vader from Star Wars and we all started laughing. Then the girl beside us told Geoff that maybe he should get the epidural. Good times.

Anyway, we are less than 6 weeks away and I am off to the doctor's again today to see how things are going. I will give an update tomorrow.