Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Baby Salter

Well I thought that I would update on some of the stats that we found out yesterday at the ultra sound. It seems that they have upped the due date once again. I am now actually at 19 weeks and the baby is due January 15, 2006 which is a week earlier than before. Which is also Geoff's birthday. I think that the baby will be born a couple days before that though. The baby weighs 10 ounces which is 3/4 of a pound. This morning I weighed 132 pounds and we go for our next doctor's visit next Wednesday. The heart beat is at 143 which the doctor said is good. I read up on some old wives tales and as it goes below 140 is a boy and above 140 is a girl. I'll wait to see what Alyssa says though to know for sure, well as sure as an old wives tale can be. :)

I am still convinced that I am having a boy, but I will be happy with a healthy baby. We watched the baby on the monitor and he looks good. We saw that all of the organs are developed properly, the heart is beating and that all limbs are intact. Then we saw my very full bladder and the little guy kicking away at it. I couldn't feel him kicking yet but soon I'm sure. It was pretty funny though. Then it was done, we got our picture and I raced to the bathroom. What a wonderful experience.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

This is our baby! Just in case you are like me and can't see the baby properly I will explain how to look at it. The baby is lying on it's back and look at it from left to right or tilt your head to the left. The head starts at the left and then you can see the skeleton of the face with the two eyes, the nose and the mouth. It's pretty amazing. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Our favorite picture! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Baby

I forgot to mention that last Friday I felt the baby. It was for about an hour every little while there was this sensation in my right side of the belly that fluttered and tickled a bit. It was really amazing. It made me giggle as I felt the baby move. I haven't felt the baby since but I know that it will happen again. Only six days until we go in for the ultra sound. We are both really excited to see the baby and make sure that everything is alright.

As for other fun news, we traveled down to Waterton Park, Alberta where we went hiking to see water falls and wild life. A deer approached us on a path before she charged us and jumped back into the bush at the last moment. I was a little concerned as I hid behind Geoff's sister. The water was really cold and really clear. We went in behind the water fall too and Geoff and Melissa jumped into the water. Crazy. The hike that we took to the lake we were warned that a cougar had been spotted. We managed to come back alive so all was good. We had a great weekend but I forgot to take the video camera so it's all in my head. Oh well, it happens.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Expecting?!? Geoff seems to be carrying a little sympathy weight. Just kidding. He's pushing his tummy out for fun. Nice try Geoff. Posted by Picasa

expecting Posted by Picasa

The Happy Couple Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 12, 2005

Heart Burn

Really they should call it throat burn. I experienced that for the first time last night. It felt like the time I had a glass of fruit and veggie juice, the really good kind, strawberry and banana yummy. That is until I throw it up 2 minutes later and my throat was on fire with this acidic burning sensation. I haven't touched the stuff since and probably never will again. With heart burn though, it has that feeling all of the time and burping is just a nightmare. Geoff and I were at a house last night putting on two decks so I had no access to milk or anything to help relieve it and I swore that if I never burped again, I'd be a happy camper.

Other things that I have been experiencing are possibly feeling the baby which I understand feels like butterflies in your tummy. Although I'm not sure since I had gas at the same time and my tummy was rumbling too. So who knows but I'm sure that when I feel the first kick I will have no doubts about that. Plus my jeans are all too small now to wear. The dress pants that I wore to work yesterday didn't even zip all the way up or button. Today's casual day and my largest size jeans won't fit and so the pair that I am wearing close only because they are hip huggers. I really need to get some maternity jeans and such but there just isn't enough time.

I am excited to be pregnant and watch my tummy grow and gain those extra pounds ( 135 as of this morning) but when I have to stick my head in the toilet every morning I tend to forget just how wonderful it is. And since we seem to be having trouble deciding on a name, this baby might get the name of Ralph for obvious reasons. So if you have any suggestions, that would be great. Please save our child from having to be named Ralph. So far we have only been working on boy names but I guess Ralphine would work too.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Salter's Are Expecting!!

That's right. We had our first doctor's appointment yesterday and we are going to have a baby!! Which makes me the forth in line for the Maczuga girls having babies. Grandma Maczuga said that she is going to be praying all night for her granddaughters at this rate. :)

I am at 15 weeks, almost 4 months. We heard the heart beat yesterday and the baby is doing well so far. The doctor was surprised as she checked me out because she said that the baby felt and measured as being around 20 weeks or 5 months. She said that it will be interesting to see the ultra sound, which we go in for on the 23rd.

Geoff and I are really excited to be expecting and the due date is January 22, 2006. The past two months I have been really sick all the time. But now I am only throwing up once in the morning and then I feel good for the rest of the day. I have more energy too which is really nice. Please keep us in your prayers that our little one will be healthy and congratulate our parents on being grandparents if you get the chance!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

August Long Weekend

Well, we made our long weekend even longer by taking Friday off too. Geoff's mom side of the family had their reunion and so we joined them camping and had a great time. We were lucky that our tent was set up already Thursday night and after it poured for three hours, our tent was still mostly dry and we were able to sleep in it instead of our car. Friday we spent the day at Alberta Beach which is a very deceiving name for the place. There was no beach, just some swampy area before the lake. And the lake wasn't very clean as there were these green things floating in it. Oh well. I managed to get myself into a kayak and wander around in that for awhile which led to a very nice sunburn that has finally stopped hurting. It was fun as I have never been a kayak and the boats would circle around us so that we would have waves to make it more exciting. Geoff almost got hit by a tube behind a boat and bailed. The boat came around twice more which led to his kayak being filled with water as he was trying to get back in. All in all though it was a good time. We headed back home on Saturday.

Then on Monday we hit Seba Beach which was a bit better as there was actually a beach. It was a mixture of sand and some black stuff but at least we could wade into the water from there and the water was cleaner. I spent the day swimming while they wake boarded and tubed. I had a great time but I must say that I miss Manitoba lakes and real beaches with real sand.

I hope everyone else had a good weekend too.