Baby Salter
Well I thought that I would update on some of the stats that we found out yesterday at the ultra sound. It seems that they have upped the due date once again. I am now actually at 19 weeks and the baby is due January 15, 2006 which is a week earlier than before. Which is also Geoff's birthday. I think that the baby will be born a couple days before that though. The baby weighs 10 ounces which is 3/4 of a pound. This morning I weighed 132 pounds and we go for our next doctor's visit next Wednesday. The heart beat is at 143 which the doctor said is good. I read up on some old wives tales and as it goes below 140 is a boy and above 140 is a girl. I'll wait to see what Alyssa says though to know for sure, well as sure as an old wives tale can be. :)
I am still convinced that I am having a boy, but I will be happy with a healthy baby. We watched the baby on the monitor and he looks good. We saw that all of the organs are developed properly, the heart is beating and that all limbs are intact. Then we saw my very full bladder and the little guy kicking away at it. I couldn't feel him kicking yet but soon I'm sure. It was pretty funny though. Then it was done, we got our picture and I raced to the bathroom. What a wonderful experience.
I am leaning towards boy as well. I guess we will have to wait and see. Have you done the needle on the end of a thread test yet. It is the freakiest thing but it has been right every time with me.
I tried the needle thing and I think that it showed a boy but I'm not sure. The hand thing was weird too and possibly boy, girl, boy but I don't know that I did it right. So I guess we'll just see what happens.
Hi! I got to your site through Alyssa's site. I just realized that Alyssa has started a trend it seems. (most of her friends are pregnant). Maybe if I hang around her long enough, I'll catch it.
God bless you and your growing little one. P.S. I also think it's a boy but that's just me. (I am partial to boys it seems.)
It's good also to meet a fellow Winnipeger. Maybe we have a mutual connection.
Could they not tell what it is? If you are 19 weeks they should be able to tell.
Lynne, I am Alyssa's cousin so my maiden name is Maczuga and there are also 5 of the Maczuga girls that are pregnant including Alyssa and myself, one of which just had a baby boy.
Kelly, we don't want to know the sex because I want to be surprised. But we both really want a boy.
Hey's your old buddy Shanley. I got your website address from the reunion booklet and I thought I would check it out. First of all, I would like to say a big congrats on your wedding and your pregnancy. I am so happy for you two. I've read a few of your postings and I can definitely relate with you on the excitement of the pregnancy. It's so surreal and a true miracle. Our class reunion went really well. It was nice to see everyone again. If you want to keep in touch, our email address is Also, if you want to see our new member of our family, check out Makayla on
Take care and keep us updated on your pregnancy! Shanley
Hey Colleen
I see Shanley beat me to it!!
Congrats on your wedding and upcoming baby. Although my baby (5 and boy) is going to Grade 1 this year I understand your excitement. Boys are great!! Enjoy every minute! I wish you all the luck. Take care and keep in touch!
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