Wife of the Year Award Goes to....
ME!! Geoff is going to love me more than ever. I managed to pull off two free tickets (108.48 each), through work, for the SEASON OPENER GAME ONE for the Edmonton Oilers against the Colorado Avalanche!! We have a parking pass so that we can park in the closest parking spot and we have a club access which allows us to go downstairs to eat and see the Oilers as they come and go from the locker room. There is going to be fireworks and everything since it is the first home game in the new season. Our seats are 10 rows from the ice and we will have a great view of the game. Geoff has been talking about going to see a game but the nose bleed seats are $35.00 each and we just decided not to spend the money on that yet. He was gone for two years on his mission and came back to the hockey strike. So it's been 3 years of no hockey for him and all I hear is how he is looking forward to watching hockey on tv and stuff. I'm excited too because I really enjoy live hockey and Winnipeg has only had the Moose for how long now. I've been to two Road Runner games since I have moved here but this will be so much better. I can't wait to go home and tell him the good news. And if you plan on watching the game on tv, look for the red head sitting next to the pregnant lady near one of the goals because that will be us!!

Me at 24 weeks
Dad and Baby
It's been really easy for me to feel the baby all the time now as he is moving around quite a bit but it just never seemed to work out that Geoff was around or awake to feel the baby. Last week and this week I know that he could feel the baby if he had been around. Last night we were watching a movie and I told Geoff to put his hand on my belly until he felt the baby. Sure enough the baby gave a nice good kick and Geoff felt it!! Way to go our little soccer player baby. So they had their little moment and all and I enjoyed sharing that with Geoff too. I am not having a good day today. I couldn't sleep yet again last night and I woke up around 5am feeling sick. I have a headache and a bit of a cold and I would really like to be at home in bed right now but I am at work instead. Not being able to take anything to relieve it either kind of sucks. Although I do have a wonderful husband who was awake at 630am with me as I complained on how I couldn't sleep and he rubbed my back for awhile so that I would feel better. So I just wanted to share some good news and complain for a bit to all of those who understand. I hope that you are having a better day then me.
Well, I guess it's time I got my butt in gear and updated the site. It's just hard when not much new is going on, you know. Geoff has tried to put a picture of me at 20 weeks on the site but for some reason it hasn't worked. So I'll keep working on that by getting a new picture. I tried to find some maternity clothes again last weekend and I decided it would be best to bring Geoff with me. What a great idea because he found me some pants and a top!! I found a skirt and everything was on sale. I am happy to say that my husband has great taste in clothes and since I dislike shopping, he found the clothes, I tried them on, got his opinion and we were done. I am all good for work clothes now unless I get too big for them. Cross your fingers that they last because I don't want to have to go through the shopping ordeal again. Geoff got a new do on the weekend as he managed to get glue in his hair on Friday. Not just any glue but contact cement that he uses on the decks. No hope of getting that out since it covered the entire top of the hair on his head. He's still as handsome as ever, it was just good for a chuckle. My poor husband just hasn't had any luck as he cut his finger on Wednesday pretty bad. I have never seen him turn so white and there was so much blood. I won't be a very good mom when it comes to cuts and scraps. I'll faint before the kids will be patched up and then they will have to bleed until Geoff gets home. Then the next day a crow bar fell off of the deck, he was working with his boss, and it hit him on his forehead giving him a nice goose egg. Then he got slapped in the face with one of the rails as they were trying to get it loose and well it's a good thing it only comes in three's or else he might not have made it home. Other than that things are well. I'm tired a lot since I can't seem to get a good night's sleep and the baby is going to come out kicking since he's always kicking or doing something in there. Life is good and the Lord continues to bless our little family.
I Weigh What???
Well, it appears that my scale is off. Yesterday we went in for our second doctor's visit and I weighed in at 140 pounds. My home scale told me 136 and well I guess I ate a lot more than I thought over the weekend. Although I have been feeling way more hungry than normal lately. My mind tells me that I should be full but I just keep on eating and eating. I eat all day at work but I am sticking to fruits for snacks in between meals, or peanuts and stuff. I also drink a lot of water. I'm not really complaining because I enjoy eating, it's just that I find it hard to believe that I weigh that much, that's all. Plus I know that I am eating for two and that makes me feel better. On some other fun news, the baby is healthy and very active. I have felt him everyday since Saturday but nothing that Geoff can feel yet. The baby is getting to the point where he can hear my voice, so that's good to know. The heart beat is at 150 which can still mean that it is a boy. I found out my blood type since I have wanted to know for some time now. A positive. Plus my blood pressure is on the low side of normal which is also very good. I am enjoying my new maternity clothes, thanks to Geoff's sister who gave me a bunch of her tops but I have yet to find more pants. My mission this weekend is to stake out every store until I find at least one more pair. Value Village here I come. Every other maternity store has crap for styles or no pants. To make things worse, I really don't enjoy shopping at all. So this should be interesting.