Thursday, September 22, 2005

Dad and Baby

It's been really easy for me to feel the baby all the time now as he is moving around quite a bit but it just never seemed to work out that Geoff was around or awake to feel the baby. Last week and this week I know that he could feel the baby if he had been around. Last night we were watching a movie and I told Geoff to put his hand on my belly until he felt the baby. Sure enough the baby gave a nice good kick and Geoff felt it!! Way to go our little soccer player baby. So they had their little moment and all and I enjoyed sharing that with Geoff too.

I am not having a good day today. I couldn't sleep yet again last night and I woke up around 5am feeling sick. I have a headache and a bit of a cold and I would really like to be at home in bed right now but I am at work instead. Not being able to take anything to relieve it either kind of sucks. Although I do have a wonderful husband who was awake at 630am with me as I complained on how I couldn't sleep and he rubbed my back for awhile so that I would feel better. So I just wanted to share some good news and complain for a bit to all of those who understand. I hope that you are having a better day then me.


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