Monday, July 30, 2007

This is me in our bedroom. I am the first to sit on a chair in our new home. Fun.

These are the windows in the dining room and are at the perfect height to take a rest. Geoff and my dad have been working really hard and they deserve a rest.

This is us in the doorway of our home.

All of the outside walls are up. This was a couple of weeks ago so I will update it again later.
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Kaylee is 18 Months!!

We went to the beach on Thursday because it was really hot. Kaylee does not like being in the water unless she is in her boat. We haven't figured out why yet because she will play in her little pool.

Kaylee weighs 25lbs 5oz and is 31 1/2 inches tall. She is finally able to climb up onto everything and she loves to pretend drive the van and the car. Geoff let her drive the boat the other day and she really liked that too. She has more words such as cracker, juice, up, more, and so on. Her first sentence was this month. Where daddy go? Of course it wasn't quite that clear but she said it. She loves to give kisses and hugs and to say hi and wave to people.
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Putting in the Poop Tank

Kaylee helping daddy.

Geoff dug the hole and then he back filled it once the poop tank was in.
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Monday, July 09, 2007

New Calling

Funny Story. Kaylee is a year and a half which is the time that she is able to go to nursery at church. At church there are three people that watch the children from 18 months till 3 years during the last two hours of church. They play with toys, have a snack, a lesson, singing time and then a craft. They had released all of the nursery people but I was assured last Sunday that there would be people there for Sunday when Kaylee went. During the week Geoff and I were asked to help out since Kaylee was going for the first time. I had to teach Sunday school so Geoff was going to go. Then before church I was released from a Sunday school teacher and called to be the new Nursery Leader. So now I am in charge of all of the nursery kids. I should have seen it coming. But I am excited for my new calling and hopefully they will find two people to help me.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Putting up the Walls on the Garage

This wall was really hard to put up as it was really heavy and we could only get this close to where it needed to be.

The tractor was really helpful in moving the walls from the floor to where they needed to be.

And we have a garage. It took us from 730pm till 11 pm with a lot of help. Thanks to everyone who was there to help!!
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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

We found out after the weekend that our weeping tile works. Unfortunately the sump pump wasn't hooked up yet so it filled our basement. We had a really good storm and it took about 2 hours today to pump out all of the water.

Well we had a hard day at work today building all of the garage walls. There will be pictures up tomorrow with them up but for now Kaylee and Geoff are relaxing in the pool and cooling off from our summer weather.
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