Monday, July 09, 2007

New Calling

Funny Story. Kaylee is a year and a half which is the time that she is able to go to nursery at church. At church there are three people that watch the children from 18 months till 3 years during the last two hours of church. They play with toys, have a snack, a lesson, singing time and then a craft. They had released all of the nursery people but I was assured last Sunday that there would be people there for Sunday when Kaylee went. During the week Geoff and I were asked to help out since Kaylee was going for the first time. I had to teach Sunday school so Geoff was going to go. Then before church I was released from a Sunday school teacher and called to be the new Nursery Leader. So now I am in charge of all of the nursery kids. I should have seen it coming. But I am excited for my new calling and hopefully they will find two people to help me.


At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang, eh..You wait til they are 18 mths to send them to nursery, so you can enjoy church..haha. Well congrats, you will be good at it.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Colleen Salter said...

Thanks. I find that i am exhausted after church. Well it's only been one sunday of doing it but 8-13 kids for 2 hours is quite the challenge.


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