We are closer to having a floor!!
I know that this is way late but Kaylee is 17 months, weighs 24 lbs 4 oz and is reaching 30 inches. She has some new words such as apple and cool. She is having so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa Maczuga. They are living in a camping trailer at our land while we are still with the inlaws. It is so great to have their help as we build our house.
The walls are up on our basement.
Thanks to the expertise of our friends Mike Daniels and Tim Jones Jr. we have our teleposts and beam up in the house. It is great to have friends who know what they are doing.
Then yesterday Geoff, my dad and I were able to put all of the joists on. I carried most of the joists from the pile that you see in the front to the house. Geoff balanced on the beam and my dad pushed them up and held them in place. It was a good day!!