Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Well, I thought that I would put in one last post for the season. Since I left my camera cable at home, this will be a non picture post. As a year in reflection we have had quite an amazing year. We were blessed to sell our home and go to school. Our family has been healthy and happy, warm and safe, cool and comfortable and blessed by so many loved ones. Thanks to our family and friends and the love that we share, our hearts are full and we are thankful to the Lord for all of the blessings we have.
As we have had so many answers to prayers this year, it is our hope that we can help to answer other peoples prayers this coming year by being more aware of the inspiration of the spirit and taking time to recognize the needs of others. We will do our best to be loving and kind to all whom we meet. With love, The Salter's.