Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hypnotizing A Chicken

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Now normally a chicken will flip back onto it's feet once left alone....but not if you hypnotize it!

This is a really cute picture of Kaylee. She did not witness any of the events that occured this day but is here to warn you. WARNING:if you do not want to see unfortuante things happen to chickens then please don't scroll down but exit from this site.  Posted by Picasa

SUNDAY DINNER. First the chicken has to be caught from in the chicken coop. Posted by Picasa

The elders came over to cut the heads off of the chickens. Fun stories to write home to their mothers.  Posted by Picasa

This is the machine that takes off all of the feathers after the chicken has been dipped in boiling hot water a couple of times. Go Annie! Posted by Picasa

They are taking off the left over feathers. Posted by Picasa

This is me plucking the feathers that are left on the chicken.  Posted by Picasa

Here are all of the guts.  Posted by Picasa

The feet and wings and all of the guts get taken out. I only took off the wings and feet. Posted by Picasa

And finally the chickens go for a swim in cold water before they get put into a bag and then into the freezer. One of these will be our Sunday dinner tomorrow. Yummy. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Clean Kitchen.

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Sometimes a mother has to do what they can to keep their children happy. Kaylee was not happy and she was not hungry and she didn't want to play with any of her toys. So instead of eating her vegetables she was able to play with them so that the rest of the kitchen could become clean. Now most would say to do the dishes while she was sleeping but that just didn't happen in the last two days and now my kitchen is clean again.

Monday, July 24, 2006

At the lake on Friday in my new boat. It is still really hot. Posted by Picasa

Relaxing in the shade. Posted by Picasa

At the lake with daddy!! Posted by Picasa

We are at the legislature building having fun in the fountains after the parade. Posted by Picasa

Wow this is cold.  Posted by Picasa

Still cold but whoohoo we are having fun! Posted by Picasa

Kaylee is playing with her cousin Bethany. Posted by Picasa

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We went to the Klondike Days parade on Thursday. Kaylee had more fun eating my visor than she did watching but we both made sure that we drank enough water. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 14, 2006

Time for a Nap

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Remembering Kaylee when she was just two months old visiting at Grandma and Grandpa Maczuga's.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy Canada Day!! Posted by Picasa

Kaylee is 6 months, 15lbs 5oz, and 63 cm. She can sit up on her own for periods of time and only falls over occasionally.  Posted by Picasa

Grandma and Grandpa Maczuga with Kaylee before they leave to go back to Grunthal.  Posted by Picasa

Grandpa helping Kaylee to drink her milk.  Posted by Picasa