Thursday, March 23, 2006

Time for Me

Well things are going alright over here. I feel a need for a little of me time. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. Kaylee is still doing well for the night. she's in bed between 10pm and 11pm. Wakes up at 5am fo a half hour feed and then sleeps till that's really good. But I wake up at 3am and can't fall back asleep or Geoff wakes up and then after i feed her i can't fall asleep and well I'm just not getting enough. So I'm in the tub relaxing and enjoying a face mask. My body is worn and chubby, my eyes burn from lack of sleep and my back hurts for no reason. Supper today was yummy but has left me feeling not so good. Kaylee peed and pooped her diaper so bad that everything she was wearing is wet and I end off my bath with her joining me to get rinsed off.

She's sleeping now and so should I be but here I am on the blog. I don't think that she is out for the night yet but I guess we'll see. This weekend is our first anniversary for being married. WOW the year has gone by so quick. We have planned a fun weekend. Friday night we are going out to his parents to do some skidooing since we still have snow and saturday during the day too. We are going out for supper at swiss chalet in the evening and shopping at toys are us for things for Kaylee. Geoff's parents are watching Kaylee for us and my parents are treating us to supper. We have such wonderful parents. I am looking forward to spending time with my husband.


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