Monday, January 09, 2006

Saturday January 7th 6:20 pm

Back at 9am I dropped Geoff off at work and he said that it would be nice if I could have the baby today so that he could leave work early. Well I picked him up at 530pm and we went home to make pizza and watch the hockey game. 620 hits and I have this pain that was not normal to other pains that I have had. Check the time and for the next 20 minutes I have these same pains every 5 to 8 minutes. hmmmm...maybe I should go and pack my hospital bag. I come back and I say to Geoff, I think that this might be happening and that he should pack his bag too because I have to vaccum downstairs yet for when my parents get here. His response, you are not vaccum cleaning anything. He packs his bag, vaccums and we watch the rest of the hockey game with the same contractions. It's been an hour and a bit so we decide that we should go to the hospital.

I go on the monitor for half an hour and the nurse tells me that I am having braxton hicks...oh really. I have no intention of going home now and I ask her, how would I know if I was having real contractions. I wouldn't she says unless my water would break. oh. She says that I can stay for an hour and she'll check if any has happened. So, with Alyssa in mind, I start on the stairs, then walking, then squats and more walking because there is no way that I am going home. Geoff watches the end of the hockey game between vancouver and calgary.

It's now 11pm and I'm back on the monitor, 5cm dialated and still having contractions. I proved her wrong and we get admitted!! Contractions are coming about every 2 minutes and so we get checked again around 1am or so. I'm at 7cm and the doctor has come to the hospital and at 2am he breaks my water. What a weird feeling. And then the next contraction hits me and I think that I am going to die. I look at Geoff and he almost started crying because of all of the pain that he could see in my face and tells me it's going to be alright while thinking that he has no idea whether it actually will be or not. I tried using laughing gas to make it through those contractions but something was wrong with the tank and I wasn't getting anything and so it didn't help. So I had a natural labour with no drugs and I am happy to say that I survived.

45 minutes later I'm at 10cm and more than ready to push. They are paging the doctor to come and I start pushing. Although the first couple pushes sucked because I wasn't doing it right. Then I figured out which muscles had to do the job and started again. I thought for sure that I was going to see a piece of poo fly out of me and hit the wall if I kept on pushing like that. The nurse checked me to see if she could see the baby and she said that all she could see was hair. Then once the baby's head was getting closer I just felt like I couldn't do it anymore. Which worked out kind of because they still hadn't found the doctor so they made me stop pushing. Well I didn't like that at all and finally they found the doctor in the sleep room and I pushed some more. Wow did that burn but I managed to get her head out and it was much better. She then plopped out, another weird feeling and that whole process of pushing lasted 45 minutes. Geoff then asked me if I wanted to know what it was. Of course I did but he forgot what it needed to be a boy or girl and so it took him a bit to remember. He was completely out of it as he had been up since 8am the previous day until now. I had to get some stitches, about 4 and then I got to see her. My precious Kaylee. Geoff brought her over to me and we love her so much.

So that's my story and I hope that I forget the pain so that I can have another one some day.


At 8:25 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

She's beautiful! It makes me anxious for my delivery!


At 6:54 AM, Blogger Leanne said...

Colleen I am so thrilled for you! You just had my dream birth experience - going into labour on your own - really short progressive labor - and a gorgeous baby to come home with you!
We love you guys!
Enjoy this extra special newborn time!
Love Lee

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Alyssa said...

Wow good for you! Sounds like you handled labor like a champ! It is funny how we forget the pain and soon contimplate doing it again. Kaylee is absolutly beautiful. Give her lots of hus and kisses from the Turners!

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Colleen and Geoff.
She is beautiful congradulations. Sure am glad everything turned out so good.
Auntie Doreen

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Colleen and Geoff
She is really cute congradulations. Glad to hear everything turned out good for you and your baby and husband.
From Bryan,Tracy,Brandon,Dawson


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