No Baby Yet...
Well, I'm in week 38 and still no baby. I still have 11 days and my parents are coming from Winnipeg and should be here Monday night. Very exciting since we haven't seen them for six months.
I went to the doctor today and I am very happy to say that since my last apt. Dec 21/05, I have only gained 2 pounds putting me at 167!! Yeah me! The baby's heart beat is still high at 167 and I am 4 cm dialated. Crazy huh! Plus I have no contractions. So I asked her if it was normal for me to be 4cm and not have any contractions and she said that it wasn't for the first baby. I guess we'll see how things go. Other than that I am doing well, just a bit of a cold and not finding it easy to sleep through the night, but oh well.
In other exciting news for the Maczuga's, there are two more babies coming into our family. Since August we had three and then I am the fourth out of five but now there are two more to add. Congrats to Bryce and Patty and Kendra and Randy. Our family just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
In the baby poll, I guess I have to say good guess for Collette but it doesn't look like I'll be going into labour tonight. Hopefully the baby will wait until my parents get out here. I'll keep everyone updated as the time goes.
you are really going to have to post every day or I am going to assume you are in labor!
I just found out that you had your baby! CONGRADULATIONS!!! I can't wait until you blog about your birth story!! Don't forget pics, lots of pics!! And I have to say I told you so on the girl thing!!!Now you have to come to Hawaii so our girls can play togeather just like we used to when we were little.
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