Catching up on June
Thanks to everyone who RSVP'd. We are really looking forward to being in Manitoba for the long weekend so that we can celebrate our wedding again!! Plus I get to wear my dress for the second time which is great because it is gorgeous and such a waste to wear only once considering how much it costs.
So I wish that I could say that the reason I haven't blogged in so long is because I am spending all day at the beach with my kids because I live in Hawaii. :) But the truth is because I don't live in Hawaii my life is pretty routine and boring. I had my birthday this month and I now considered myself really old. 28. But still young at heart. Geoff was wonderful with his present as he got me a package for my hair at the Aveda salon which I am going to use tomorrow to get all of the white and grey out of my hair. That way I can look as young as I feel. And do my hair once again because I have been sporting a pony tail for the last 3 weeks. I don't know about other girls out there but getting my hair done at the salon makes me feel rejuvenated, refreshed and just plain pretty again.
We bought some roller blades for Geoff so now we've been outside in the evenings getting some exercise. We've also been out to the lake a couple of times wake boarding. The Salter family all pitched in and bought a really nice one. Geoff is getting really good on it too. As for me, I prefer the leisure task of sitting in the boat watching. I seem to have this problem with water and not closing my mouth when I fall into it. I have tried to wake board a couple years ago, but after falling a million times there was no water left in the lake so no one else could wake board and I had quite the tummy ache.
We have both had a chance to give a talk in church and we both did alright. Well Geoff did great. He spoke on the role of fathers. In our church we have the first hour where everyone is together including the children before we head off to sunday school classes. So sometimes it can be a little loud with all of the bustle of children and stuff. But it was quiet and everyone was listening to him talk. It was really good. As for me, I spoke on the worth of souls last Sunday. I was a little bit nervous but it went well. It helped me to learn how important everyone is in God's eye. Three people are chosen every Sunday to speak. We have a bishop and stuff but everyone volunteers their time and no one is paid.
I've also received my responsibility at church. I am in charge of about 10 girls from ages 8 to 11. I meet with them every 2nd and 4th Thursday and we memorize some scriptures and then I plan an activity. Like last night, my first time with them, we learned how to sign a hymn called Teach me to Walk. There are three verses and we managed to learn all three. Now on Sunday we are going to stand at the front and sign the words to the song while the congregation sings the hymn. This is to help the girls to develop their talents. Some other goals that they have are to learn how to serve others and to be a better disciple of Christ. We had a lot of fun and I am excited to see if the girls can remember the whole song on Sunday.
Last weekend we went to see Batman Begins. WOW. What an amazing movie. I highly recommend that one. I thought that it was better than the last Star Wars that came out.
Anyway, nothing else is new that I can think of. There is nothing else that I feel like talking about and well, I really should get back to work. They don't pay me to blog but wouldn't that be nice if they did!!