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Unfortunately I am not finding it easy to figure out how to put my pictures on this blog site so for now I will continue to just post until I figure it out. Any suggestions are welcome or a whole course on how to do this would be great as I suck at things with computers. You would think as a University Graduate that I would indeed know these things but most of the at the time useless information that I learned hit the toilet bowl and was flushed away right after the final exam.
As for married life, it's been 3 weeks now and things are great except for the whole sleeping in the same bed part. I knew that this would be an issue so we bought a king size bed. We don't have to worry about fighting for covers or space on the bed. But my goodness, it is hard to get a good night's sleep. I wake up to go to the bathroom at least twice a night because for one, I usually wake up once to go, and two, since I am a light sleeper I wake up everytime I feel the slightest need to go! It is quite frustrating. Geoff finds it hard too to sleep because he doesn't want to hit me. On our honeymoon, we were in a queen size bed and now we appreciate our king even more, Geoff managed to crank me in the head with his elbow one night. I don't remember but I do know that I slept really well that night. I guess a blow to the head will do that. I'm sure that all married couples go through this stage until they are more comfortable and used to having someone there in bed with them. I would like to know though, how long this takes!
just wait until you get pregnant, then you will be going to the bathroom 5 times a night! And no even with a king size bed there is never enough room. The longer you are married the smaller and smaller the bed gets. I am thinking of getting two king size beds and pushing them togeather!
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